
Anurag Pawar

Full Stack Web Developer

View Resume

About Me

A passoinate aspiring Full Stack Web Developer skilled in MERN stack, moulded and shaped by Masai School's intensive and immersive learning.
Looking Forward to join an organization where I will be able to exhibit my skills with utmost sincerity and hardwork for the growth of your esteemed organization along with mine.



Clone of

This is a clone of project and task management tool. This is a MERN stack project. Tech stack we used is React-JS, Express-JS, Node-JS MongoDB, Github, Chakra-UI, etc.

Clone of

This is a clone of website. This is a frontend web application which is build using React-JS. Tech stack we use is React, Redux, JavaScript, Chakra UI, etc. I was the team lead and I worked on product page, about us page cart & checkout pages.

Clone of

This is a clone of ecommerce fashion website. This is a frontend web application which is build using React-JS. Tech stack we used is HTML, CSS, JavaScript, localstorage, Github, etc. I worked on men-women homepage, cart & wishlist pages.

Clone of

This is a clone of online vegetable & grocery shopping website. This is a frontend web application which is build using React-JS. Tech stack we use is HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Github etc. I worked on collecting the data, product list page.


Masai School

Jan 2022 - present

Full Stack Web Development

I am learning Full Stack Web Development at Masai School. Masai School is a 9-9-6 intensive coding school. I am enjoying my journey of becoming Full Stack Web Developer at Masai School.

SGGSIE&T, Nanded

Aug 2016 - Nov 2020

B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering

I inculcated many skills such as teamwork, problem solving approach during four years of my graduation in SGGS. I had participated in events like "Praveg" and "Pragyaa-Techfest during my graduation."

Get in Touch


Contact No: +91 8390487646